Our Innovative Finance ISA
Fund Ourselves is approved by HMRC as an ISA manager to offer Innovative Finance ISA.
You can
transfer in from both previous and current year ISAs without incurring any charges.
Please note that the tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future. Please check the
HMRC Website or seek professional advice. Our IF ISA carries similar risks and rewards as our standard investment at our platform.
An ISA that contains peer-to-pay loans is an Innovate Finance ISA. Whether investing in peer-to-peer loans through an Innovate Finance ISA provides you with tax advantages will depend on your personal tax status and financial affairs. Any tax advantages may be negatively affected by:
- A loan in the ISA not being repaid
- The insolvency or other failure of Fund Ourselves
- Your withdrawing from a loan in the ISA
- Your transferring your ISA
You should consider taking legal or accountancy advice on these points.
An Innovative Finance ISA will NOT provide you any additional protections or reduce the risks associated with a P2P investment. An Innovative Finance ISA will also NOT guarantee the returns you will earn. It remains possible to lose all of your money.