If you are dealing with an emergency situation and feel confident that borrowing money is the only option to cover an unexpected expense, it's still a good idea to consider a range of lenders before making a decision.You may have been turned down by Swiftsterling or you may find Swiftsterling too expensive, or even you may have been treated unfairly in the past by Swiftsterling, or maybe they've gone out of business, so you are looking for an alternative to this lender? Fund Ourselves offers a great short-term lending solution that could help you where Swiftsterling may not.It’s important to find a company that provides a loan that’s suitable for your circumstances, as well as your budgeting and overall financial habits.We always recommend that you take the time to do your research before you take out a loan. At Fund Ourselves we go further by offering you the opportunity to choose when you want to pay back the loan.
Why choose Fund Ourselves loan over a Swiftsterling loan?
5-minute application
Instant loan decision
No hidden costs or fees
Flexible repayments
No early repayment fees
Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to www.moneyhelper.org.uk
Ensure you can afford to repay the loan fully and on time before applying.
Fund Ourselves operates on the same basic eligibility criteria that Swiftsterling uses when accepting applications; according to the FCA regulation: identity checks, creditworthiness and affordability. To apply for a loan with Fund Ourselves you must be at least 18 years old, live in the UK and have a bank account. You’ll also need a mobile phone and agree to a credit and affordability check.This ensures you can comfortably afford to pay back what you owe, lowering the risk of financial difficulties later. If you tick all these boxes, then you can apply for a loan with Fund Ourselves however being eligible doesn’t guarantee that your application will be accepted.Apply now